
Gotham – Episode 1.8 “The Mask”

As much as it looked like Gotham was headed in a more competent, focused direction with the last two episodes, “The Mask” completely abandons that notion and falls back into all of its bad habits.  The most interesting parts of the show continue to be the brewing mob war between the Falcone and Maroni families, with… Continue reading Gotham – Episode 1.8 “The Mask”


Gotham – Episode 1.7 “Penguin’s Umbrella”

Although there is still so much work to be done, it looks like Gotham MIGHT be finding a groove. There are still problems to be addressed, but the narrow focus and streamlined storytelling of last week’s episode infiltrated this week’s “Penguin’s Umbrella.” This type of storytelling is essentially what Gotham needs to be doing; a near bottomless pit of… Continue reading Gotham – Episode 1.7 “Penguin’s Umbrella”


Gotham – Episode 1.6 “Spirit of the Goat”

By far the best episode yet. The episode begins ten years earlier, with Harvey Bullock occupying a position and demeanor similar to Jim Gordon in present day, while his partner, Dix, resembles present-day Harvey. Against Dix’s wishes and advice, Harvey rushes into an old abandoned theatre to arrest Randall Milke - a man who believes… Continue reading Gotham – Episode 1.6 “Spirit of the Goat”


Gotham – Episode 1.4 “Arkham”

In an attempt to explain why Gotham is suffering, time to throw some science at it.   But before that, let's do a minor recap/review because I'm glutton for punishment. Maybe my expectations were low going into this episode, but "Arkham" seemed like a step up from the hot messes preceding it. Not to say it was a perfect episode by… Continue reading Gotham – Episode 1.4 “Arkham”


Gotham, “Pilot” + “Selina Kyle”

Too much. Gotham has too much going on. Not to say the Pilot nor "Selina Kyle" were BAD episodes per se, but Gotham is still trying to find its groove. My biggest complaint from "Selina Kyle" was the Dollmaker storyline. I love Lili Taylor as much as the next person (and seriously the only good character in Hemlock Grove), but that storyline was too… Continue reading Gotham, “Pilot” + “Selina Kyle”


Gotham – Preliminaries

Before I get into any of the good stuff, I’m going to go ahead and say something potentially controversial: Batman is the most fascinating of the superheroes. I’m assuming a lot of you are thinking: Let me explain. Unfortunately, too many conversations surrounding the superhero genre quickly devolve into a DC vs. Marvel debate. I’m… Continue reading Gotham – Preliminaries