
Gotham – Episode 1.3 “Balloonman”

Gotham has a problem. And it's not one capable of being resolved by Jim Gordan. No, the only group that can help Gotham at this point is the executive team, because if "Balloonman" is any indication of where the show is headed, I have a feeling its shelf life will be much shorter than anticipated.… Continue reading Gotham – Episode 1.3 “Balloonman”


Gotham, “Pilot” + “Selina Kyle”

Too much. Gotham has too much going on. Not to say the Pilot nor "Selina Kyle" were BAD episodes per se, but Gotham is still trying to find its groove. My biggest complaint from "Selina Kyle" was the Dollmaker storyline. I love Lili Taylor as much as the next person (and seriously the only good character in Hemlock Grove), but that storyline was too… Continue reading Gotham, “Pilot” + “Selina Kyle”


Gotham – Preliminaries

Before I get into any of the good stuff, I’m going to go ahead and say something potentially controversial: Batman is the most fascinating of the superheroes. I’m assuming a lot of you are thinking: Let me explain. Unfortunately, too many conversations surrounding the superhero genre quickly devolve into a DC vs. Marvel debate. I’m… Continue reading Gotham – Preliminaries